Tower Cottages
September 6th, 1874
My Dear Friend
With great pleasure I take my pen to write you a few lines to let you know how we are all getting on. I hope this will find you all well and I am glad to be able to tell you that we are better as we have been about the time I got your last letter Aunt was not well at all she is often troubled with her head and rheumatisms & you will understand as well as I can tell you that she is entirely of her way and she can never get above leaving the Bogg. Tom is away to his harvest just now it is not a big one there is only twenty acers but he is never very strong so it is just as well that he got a place that they had not much to cut. hay is very scarce in this country this year but corn looks very well & I think the potatoes is keeping pretty free from disease this year as yet.
I hope uncle John & Marion is both well & likewise uncle Joseph and his family. I was surprised when you told me about John Johnstone's wife having twines she had not put off much time I don't think they could be more than ten months married when they were born I hope they are all doing well but I never hear a word of little Sarah send me word how she is getting on. You told me to get married and have twins at the first throw but when are you thinking about getting married now you never tell me that and if you have twins I think I will come over and help to nurse them for every one say I am a good nurse
Aunt sends her kind love to you and bids me say that she thinks you are the only one that minds her for she think uncle John & Marion has forgot her this time it is so long since we had a letter from them & you are to tell them she is wearing very much to hear from them now I will stop I have been a prisoner to the house for a week but I feel a little better so with kind love to you and all friends I remain your affectionate Friend
Marion Brown
I send you a feather and a little peice of heather to wear in the side of your hat. M. B.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tower Cottages, 6 September 1874
Marion's writing to James Bryden again, joking about when he'll finally get married (he's been in America for a long time, and promised to Marion Glencross, but so far no wedding); she also laughs that if they have twins at "the first throw," she'll come help with the nursing. Once again, the subject matter of their letters reveals an extraordinary intimacy for a man and woman who are not kin, or lovers, or even neighbors. In more serious news, Aunt is still hurting from the move from the Bogg, and Tam Scott is working but still not strong. Finally, Marion sends a little token of friendship: a feather and some heather for James's hat.
epistolary discourse,
Joseph Glencross,
Tam Scott,
waiting for a letter
Monday, November 15, 2010
Tower Cottages, 26 April 1874
This is a dreary spring letter! Everyone at Tower Cottages has been sick with colds, Marion Brown has "not the same spirit" since they moved from the Bogg,* Aunt is dreaming of James Bryden having an ill relation, and many in the neighborhood have died recently. But... the weather has been beautiful, and Marion is grateful to be feeling better.
*The difference between the Bogg and the location of Tower Cottages was quite striking when we visited Sanquhar this summer. The Bogg has a dramatic setting, hilly, with a grand view even on a stormy day (called "outstanding panoramic views" by the rental agency these days). Tower Cottages has no such view, but as Marion says, perhaps the nearby walking is more pleasant.
*The difference between the Bogg and the location of Tower Cottages was quite striking when we visited Sanquhar this summer. The Bogg has a dramatic setting, hilly, with a grand view even on a stormy day (called "outstanding panoramic views" by the rental agency these days). Tower Cottages has no such view, but as Marion says, perhaps the nearby walking is more pleasant.
Tower Cottages
April 26th 1874
My Dear Friend
I have no doubt but you may think it strange of me always being so long in answering your letters from this place I don't know how it is I have not the same spirit. However puting all that aside I hope this will find you and all friends well when it reaches you. We have all had a very bad turn with cold. Tom was worst but I think the warm weather is going to make him better we have had beautiful weather for the last two weeks.
Aunt was bad to but to tell the truth she is so much of her way that she does not feel herself at all. I have to tell you from her that she wakened dreaming about you this morning and she thought that both you & her was at the Bogg again and you was going to carry a woman in from the door that was not well and she can send you nothing very brights this time but perhaps she will have more to say next time and she hopes you will not be long in writting after you get this and let us know if anything has been wrong with any of you that she started to dream.
I have had a very bad turn myself but how thankful I ought to be that I am so much better and can move about again. there has been a good many deaths around us this spring both old and young
This will be a beautiful place in summer there is a glen goes up past the house and with trees and flowers it is quite a pleasure to take a walk along the side of it. Uncle William and all his family is quite well uncle is often asking for you. give my kind love to uncle John and Joseph and all friends not forgetting yourself and Marion and how well I could like to be beside you. now I must stop and beleive me to be your Affectionate Friend
Marion Brown
be sure and write soon and let me know all the news and if you ever hear about me getting married now. M. B.
James Bryden,
Joseph Glencross,
Tam Scott,
Tower Cottages,
William Glencross
Monday, October 11, 2010
Tower Cottages, 5 March 1874
A chatty letter to James Bryden. Marion reports the news (Tom Scott's job at the quarry, a new baby for uncle William, the death of her uncle Adam Brown), and her uncertainty about the future--she still hopes to go to America, soon, but does not want to leave Aunt. She didn't like being part of her new cousin's naming ceremony at church; she has to walk a ways to meet the postman from Tower Cottages, and the new setting also makes her more "weary" for a letter.
Tower Cottages
By Sanquhar
Dumfries Shire
March 5th 1874
My Dear friend
I have much pleasure in answering your kind letter and I hope this will find you and all friends well when it reaches you Aunt is in moderate good health and Tom is keeping better I have had a very bad cold but I think I am on the way of getting better.
Tom is working in a quarry close at the house and what shall I tell you uncle Williams wife has another daughter and I carried it to the church on Sunday the first day of March to be named and I can tell you I would rather have been some other where for I did not like the job. However some body had to do it and I have got over it. I don't know how I have to answer your question as to going to America I could like so well to go myself and the only thing that keeps me is I do not like to leave Aunt and I can asure you if I do come I will bring anything you give me the order for and I will let you know in plenty of time to send me the money and I think I could get over velvet for a jacket without putting it round my body below my sark and I am sure we would have many a happy day together if we was spared to meet, many a time when I am sitting thinking I remember the time when uncle John used to dress me with ribbons and tell me to walk through the house with a prim mouth, but time is very uncertain
I have lossed two uncles my Grandmother and my father in less than a year. You can tell uncle Joseph the first time you see him after you get this that Adam Brown my uncle died on the 28th of Feburary and was only a week ill it was inflmation that was his trouble and it was the same with my father but I hope they are all happier as we could have made them here.
now you must tell Marion that I meant to have written to her before this but with one thing and another I am behind but I hope you will excuse my indolence and if we ever meet I will pay up for want of letters with my tongue and if ever we do meet you know we will have many a queer story to turn over. now I must stop for it is near post time and I have a good bit to go to meet him with kind love to you in which Aunt joins I remain your affectionate Friend Marion Brown
PS be sure and write soon after you get this for I weary more here as I did at the Bogg goodbye and God be with you all M. B
Aunt bids me say that you are to tell uncle John if he has not a letter away he is to write soon M.B.
epistolary discourse,
James Bryden,
Tam Scott,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Live Greetings from Sanquhar!
We visited Scotland in August as a family, and spent five days in Sanquhar (my first time there). It's a fine burgh, with beautiful surrounding countryside. Here we are at the Bogg, where Marion Brown lived (photograph by Iain Hutchison, who kindly gave us the complete Marion Brown Tour on a rainy chilly day):
There's a mailbox near one of Marion Brown's in-town addresses that still has "VR" on it--for "Victoria Regina"--so it's been in use since Marion's lifetime. Seemed only right that I should also send something to my American kin from that box. (I made a set of Marion Brown postcards before we left, in preparation for this.)

We saw Marion Brown's tombstone (shared with Tam Scott and his wife), and Aunt Agnes's tombstone (in the most forlorn cemetery ever--outside the town of Wanlockhead, nowhere near a church, haunted by many sheep), and several others' as well. We were also in Sanquhar for the 100th Riding of the Marches--a grand parade and field day, with great bands.

We saw Marion Brown's tombstone (shared with Tam Scott and his wife), and Aunt Agnes's tombstone (in the most forlorn cemetery ever--outside the town of Wanlockhead, nowhere near a church, haunted by many sheep), and several others' as well. We were also in Sanquhar for the 100th Riding of the Marches--a grand parade and field day, with great bands.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Tower Cottages, 12 February 1874
A newsy letter, punctuated with some rather shocking news. An acquaintance in the neighborhood has murdered her newborn. This story is mentioned almost in passing, as it relates to the troubles of Mr. Kennedy their old landlord. Marion fully expects to go to America here, or so it sounds--she's making plans with James to carry some things across. Tam is working again, but not strong and prone to "thinking fits" and low spirits.
Tower Cottages
Feburary 12th 1874
My Dear Friend
I received your very welcome letter in due time and was glad to see from it that you was all well when you wrote. I hope you have got a letter from me before this reaches you at least you ought to have got one and uncle John to. we are all in moderate health in the meantime with the execption of having the cold we have all had a turn of it but is on the way of getting better. Tam is working in a quarry close at the house when he is able but he is never so strong as he was he has never got over the turn up he had in summer he takes thinking fits and gets low spirited over it all that can be said to him you say that if I come out in spring you want me to bring you out some things I will only be to happy to do so and if Aunt would only concent to take the road I could be quite pleased for it has been my desire for a long time to be in America the only thing I would not like to leave Aunt. but we will see what turns up in a month or two.
the way Aunt left the Bogg I was very sorry for her but Mr. Kennedy has got more matters to talk about as what he said to Aunt you will remember Katty Hunter at the Bridge that you and me when to see well she has had a child since we left and has murdered it so he can take a look at that for a change but just to tell the truth Aunt is better away from the Bogg as to stop and him always grumbling about our some thing else.
you must give Marion my kind love and say she must excuse me for being so long in writting to her for I have been away nursing since I got her last letter uncle William has got another addition to his family both Mother and daughter was doing well when I left uncle is working in the woods just now. now James I think I must draw to a close give my kind regards to all that asks for me and the same to yourself from your affectionate Friend
Marion Brown
Tower Cottages by Sanquhar
PS Be sure and write soon I weary more here as I did at the Bogg M. B
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tower Cottages, 11 January 1874
The change Marion Brown has feared is her new reality as this letter posts. The Brown/Scott household is no longer living at the Bogg, but closer in to town at Tower Cottages. Tam Scott, still recovering from his illness (probably tuberculosis), is working in a wet quarry and feeling the effects. Aunt is considering emigration to America--where she might live near her brothers and their families--and Marion Brown is hopeful. Marion wants to go to America, but won't leave Aunt behind. Meanwhile, Marion's grandmother has passed away at Carronbridge, and she traveled to be with her family there for a week. The new year passed with little notice in their new home.
Tower Cottages
January 11th 1874
My Dear Friend
I know you will be thinking me long in writting to you but when you know all the ups and downs I have had you will forgive me I hope this will find you in good health and I am glad to be able to say that we are all in moderate health in the meantime altho we all feel a great change to what we was used to at the Bogg. Aunt has been very bad with a sore back this some time for a week she was not able to cross the floar but she is rather better this two days past. sometimes she thinks she will go to America and then she thinks she cannot go. Tam is working in a quarry close at the house but he is not agreeing very well with it for he gets himself wet often and he does not do to be wet since he was ill. I would like very well if Aunt would make up her mind to go to America for I would like to so well to be there but the only thing is I would not like to leave her poor body she is so much off her way that some times she is quite stupid and if I was to leave her she has nobody but I would like so well if she would go give Marion my kind love and say that I am going to write to her some of these days. We had a very quite new year we scarcly knew the difference. I think I have little more worth writting at this time and you must not take my example but write soon and let me know how you are getting on my grandmother died after the term and I was away at Carronbridge for more than a week now I must stop and with kind love to you in which Aunt joins I remain your very affectionate friend
Marion Brown
Tower Cottages
By Sanquhar
PS be sure and write soon M. B.
epistolary discourse,
Tam Scott,
Friday, July 2, 2010
July 2: Happy Birthday, Marion Brown!
Marion Brown was born on this date in 1843. Her correspondent Marion Glencross Bryden had a daughter Helen on July 2; and Helen Bryden Marsh's great-grand-son Chris (my cousin) was also born on July 2. So it's the family birthday.
July 2 also marks the second anniversary of the Letters from Sanquhar blog, because I started it on Marion Brown's 165th birthday. So happy two years. Got plenty of letters to cover several more years, at the rate I'm going.
July 2 also marks the second anniversary of the Letters from Sanquhar blog, because I started it on Marion Brown's 165th birthday. So happy two years. Got plenty of letters to cover several more years, at the rate I'm going.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Bogg, 9 October 1873
This is the last surviving letter dated in 1873. Health problems still dominate the news from Sanquhar: Tam Scott is still down with the illness he contracted in Dumfries Jail; his mother Aunt Agnes is aging and her family wants her to give up "the cows" and take it easy. James Bryden has offered to pay Marion's expenses if she wants to travel to America, and she thanks him for the offer, but says she cannot leave just yet, with the household in such low times. Still, Marion imagines dancing in her uncle John's "fine house" in Pennsylvania. (Marion Brown doesn't mention her own health, but it must have been somewhat improved for her to be away from the Bogg visiting her own grandmother.)
The Bogg
October 9th 1873
My Dear Friend
It is with much pleasure I write to you to let you know that I received your letter in due time. Altho it was a day or two after it came here before I got it as I happened to be away seeing my grand mother when it came however I am here at last and I hope this will find you in moderate health but I am sorry to tell you that Tom has not been well for the last six weeks and is not much better yet but you will get full particulars about him from Marion as I wrote to her last week. all the rest of us is about our useal way Aunt is just going on her old way but has not been so strong this summer but to tell you the truth she has two much to do if she would only give up the cows but she will not consent to do that.
I am very much obliged to you for your kind offer to think that you are so kind as say that you will send me money when ever I like to take me across but I cannot send you word this time when I may come for as Tom is not like to be strong I dont know how things may turn up if he does not get better soon and altho he was better I know he will never have a day's pleasure after what has happened. for he cannot get above it.
but perhaps I will can tell you next time I write to you I have got a letter from my Brother in law since I began to write telling me that my sister Sarah [h]as a son and you can let Marion and uncle John & Joseph know. I think I have not much more worth writting I am glad to hear that uncle John has got such a fine house if ever I am spared to come to americe I will dance a good jig in some of the rooms now I must conclude
give Marion my kind love and execpt of the same to yourself and dont be long in writting for we are always proud to see your letters I remain your loving friend
Marion Brown
James Bryden,
Tam Scott
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Bogg, 6 October 1873
More bad news: Cousin Tam Scott, the only man in the household, recently released from Dumfries jail, is now quite ill with lung and heart troubles (sounds like tuberculosis). He "spits a great deal of blood" and cannot work. There are lasting hard feelings related to his "tousel" of a Wilson girl, too, because his uncle Joseph is married to a Wilson. Marion, meanwhile, is experiencing speech impairment again, and taking "galvanic shooks" for them. (Soon after Marion describes her recent bout of speechlessness, she says of the family controversy with the Wilsons, "there is no use saying a word." S0 Marion Brown finds herself both literally and figuratively unable to speak effectively.)
But in America, the Glencrosses have a new house (probably an addition to the core building on Helen Street); Aunt imagines having a "crack" with emigrated friends over "auld lang syne affairs," and Marion dreams of dancing on the Glencross's new floors.
But in America, the Glencrosses have a new house (probably an addition to the core building on Helen Street); Aunt imagines having a "crack" with emigrated friends over "auld lang syne affairs," and Marion dreams of dancing on the Glencross's new floors.
The Bogg
October 6th 1873
My Dear Cousin
I was very glad to see your letter for I always weary to hear from you and I hope this will find you and your father and all the rest of our friends well when it reaches you. I am sorry to have to tell you that Cousin Tom has not been well for the last six weeks and is not much better yet the Doctor says that his heart is bad and his left lung is infected and he spits a great deal of blood at times he takes very little meat and the doctor says he is to take every thing that is supporting and take care and not get himself wet and he has not to work any but the worst of it is he is not able to work any however I hope he may soon get a little better for Aunt thinks so much over him and no wonder for I may say he is her all.
We have got all our hay in but we have a great want this year they have been at the hill gathering bent every day that was dry but it has been very wet weather the whole summer through our potatoe crop is wonderful good but we have very few turnips. so I doubt the cows will not fare so well. Aunt has a good lot of swine this year there is seven that she is fattening and ten little pigs to sell.
now I think I have given you a pretty fair account of all the things about the bogg. You will have had a busy summer getting your hew house set in order but now when it is finished you will have plenty of room and I could like very well to be over to the house heating and I can tell you I would dance a good gig to help to dry the flower. I was five weeks that I could not speak but the doctor gave me Galvanic shooks that has done me good and I hope I may keep well now for I was feared when it came on this time for the last time I was bad I could not speak none for twenty three months however I ought to be very thankful that I am a little better.
I dont know what Rob Wilson would mean to send word to Marion to come home again but she is never content where ever she is and uncle Joseph will be the more of a fool if ever he comes home with her for he was just kept in misery with her here and I suppose it will be much the same with her in America. However quiteness is best and there is no use saying a word.
Aunt sends her kind love to your Father and your self and wishes you both good health to enjoy your new house and the first time you see Mrs. Law you are to give her Aunts kind compliments and say she would like very much to have a crack with her over auld lang syne affairs now I hope you will not be long in writting after you get this letter and let us know how you are all getting on and with kind to you and your Father I remain your loving Cousin
Marion Brown
PS. give James Bryden and all other friends my kind love M. B.
James Bryden,
Joseph Glencross,
medical treatments,
religious resignation,
Tam Scott,
Monday, April 26, 2010
Bogg, 21 August 1873
This letter is to James Bryden, still not quite married to Marion Glencross. More on the aftermath of Tam Scott's jail time--"a queer time about the Bogg." Tam is still not well, and "I think Aunt will never get over it." Marion cites the "ado" as her reason for not writing in a while. Are there many letters telling the family's story of a jailing? If not, this correspondence is rare in another dimension!
The reference to James Bryden having his back "painted" must be about a medical treatment--painted with a topical medication, I assume. Any idea what the phrase "he never liked the dodders" means? I've looked in a few dialect dictionaries, and dodders has several given meanings, but none of them really fits this context.
The reference to James Bryden having his back "painted" must be about a medical treatment--painted with a topical medication, I assume. Any idea what the phrase "he never liked the dodders" means? I've looked in a few dialect dictionaries, and dodders has several given meanings, but none of them really fits this context.
The Bogg
August 21st 1873
My Dear Friend
You will be thinking me long in writting but you will likely have heard the great ado that has been about Tom and if you have you will think I was not in very good trim for writting for I can tell you it was a queer time about the Bogg when Tom was away at the Jail but Tom was like you he never liked the dodders and I am sure he will think less of them now as ever he did and no wonder for it was such an ado to make about nothing I think Aunt will never get over it and for Tom he cannot think to see a person. you may tell Marion from me that John Hunter was not such a great man about the bogg as he talks about but it is best just to hear them and never speek
My Dear Friend I must say that I am very much obliged to you for your kind offer and I have no doubht but I will execpt of it if spared and well till the spring but it is getting to far in the season now for me to set out but I will change my mind greatly or some thing come in my way that I dont know of if I don't come out in the spring but you need not say anything about it to make a great talk so long before the time and if you and Marion waits till then I may have a dance at your wedding and tell Marion that she is to write me a long letter and tell me all about her new house Aunt sends her kind love to you and wishes you had been here to cheer her up since Tom was away Anthony sends his kind love to you but he has not been well but is on the way of recovering I hope your back is got quite better now I know what your back would be like when they were painting it we are busy with the hay but it has been very bad weather for it and Tom is wearing to get it past now I must come to a close hopping this will find you well and all the rest of our friends well and be sure and write soon and execpt of kind love to you and all friends from your loving friend Marion Brown
Ps be sure and write soon
James Bryden,
medical treatments,
Tam Scott
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Bogg, 31 July 1873
Now this is a letter full of news--bad news. Tam Scott got in legal trouble for giving a girl "a tousel"--hard to say exactly what was involved but it sounds like some degree of unwanted advance made by Tam on a Miss Wilson. To make matters worse, Miss Wilson is kin by marriage (Joseph Glencross married Marion Wilson before they emigrated to Pennsylvania); but her father James Wilson still brought the full force of the law against Tam. Tam Scott spent some time in the Dumfries Jail until better-placed friends, Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Hyslop, were able to arrange his bail and a fine paid in settlement.
This letter contains many more misspellings than Marion Brown usually commits--the stress of the situation or the unusual vocabulary or both may explain that. She sounds a note of concern--Aunt Agnes's place at Brandley's may be in jeopardy. And Tam Scott is definitely the worse for wear after his stay in jail.
This letter contains many more misspellings than Marion Brown usually commits--the stress of the situation or the unusual vocabulary or both may explain that. She sounds a note of concern--Aunt Agnes's place at Brandley's may be in jeopardy. And Tam Scott is definitely the worse for wear after his stay in jail.
The Bogg
July 31st 1873
Dear Uncle
I again take my pen to write you a few lines to let you know how we are getting on. I hope this will find you well and I am glad to be able to tell you that we are all in moderate health and in better spirits as when I wrote last for we got Tom home last week and all settled up with a fine of two pounds you would see by my last letter that Mr. Kennedy signed the bails for him and he was at home a week before it was settled Tom got a letter from his lawyer saying that he was either to write to him and let him know how matters stood or to go down and see him so we thought it best for Tom to go himself so it was settled that day without any more ado. Mr. Kennedy gave him a good character and said it was not ill to do for they were the first that had ever tried to break it and he would have thought nothing if them that tried to break his had a good one and the sherif told Tom that he know it was quite a common thing in the country to give a girl a tousel and he could see nothing more in it but it was put down to him as an assult and he had to act accordingly and if he had taken a kiss without the girls permition it would have been the same and his adivce to him was the next time he took the notion to give a girl a tousel he was to take one that had more sense for Miss Wilson had neither sense nor shame about her. both Dr. Kennedy and Mr. Hyslop Tower says that Tom never ought to have been in Dumfries Jail and if they had known in time he would not have been for they are both Justice of the peace and could have setteled it without any furthur ado and Mr. Hyslop says that if James Wilson does not keep himself quite he will put him in the Jail and make the police loss his place for being so very officiating in the matter for his has gone far above his commission.
I don't know how it may turn out for Aunt is going to do no more in it but Dr. Kennedy and Mr. Hyslop Tower is not going to let Tom be scandled for nothing so it will depend on what they do.
I suppose James Wilson can be put in the Jail if they like. and you are to tell uncle Joseph from Aunt that he is to be aware of them that he is connected with for they have done all in there power to ruin her both to put her out of the place she is in and to take all from her she had but they have not managed it.
I don't know what word may come from the Wilsons to uncle Joseph's wife but I have told you the truth be sure and write soon for I think will never get the better of this for Tom is so dull he is ashamed to see any one he says that he is sure he would not have felt half so bad if he had been put in the jail for an offence, but to think that he lay there for nothing.
we have commenced our hay but it is very bad weather as yet scarce a dry day. give my kind regards to Marion and execpt of the same to yourself from your affectionate neice Marion Brown
be sure to write soon
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Bogg, Thursday Morning (probably 1872-3)
The stationery for this brief letter is unusual for Marion Brown: pre-printed swirly linework around the border of the page, with a love poem at the top:
This letter was addressed to "My Dear Cousin," so we can assume it's for Marion Glencross (It says "to Marion" on the back, on a rare blank page from Marion Brown). But the sentiment--that's maybe also for the subject of the letter, James Bryden, recently arrived in America. Marion Brown would love to be in America to help her younger cousin to make clothes, and to share news. But as she's not there, she can only rely on correspondence, which she requests "soon soon."
I've told thee.Can't find any source for this poem, or even any mention of it by googling. Citations welcome.
I've told thee, I've told thee, a hundred times o'er
I love thee, I love thee, what can I say more?
I care not for wealth, and I ask not for fame,
I love thee and thy love is all that I claim.
Then look not thus doubting, nor turn thee away,
And cease to reproach me thus day after day,
I tell thee again, as I've told thee before,
I love thee until I can love thee no more.
This letter was addressed to "My Dear Cousin," so we can assume it's for Marion Glencross (It says "to Marion" on the back, on a rare blank page from Marion Brown). But the sentiment--that's maybe also for the subject of the letter, James Bryden, recently arrived in America. Marion Brown would love to be in America to help her younger cousin to make clothes, and to share news. But as she's not there, she can only rely on correspondence, which she requests "soon soon."
The Bogg
Thursday Morning
My Dear Cousin
We have have [sic] been wearing very much to hear from you all Aunt has been watching the post every day for a fortnight it was her that ran and met him to get the one I got from Jeamie we was all very glad to see from it that he all safe. for all the papers I got I never saw the arrival of his boat. you must be sure and write soon and let me know how you are pleased with the things Jeamie took for you I wish I was beside you to help you to get them made, I have two visits from Sarah Johnstone she is a fine healthy girl I think she is very like her mother in some ways. Jeamie will tell you all the news at this time so I have little more to say at present so as the post will soon be here I will stop for this time give my kind love to your father and uncle Joseph and all his family and Aunt says you are not to be so lazy at writting execpt of my kind love to your own dear self from your loving & affectionate cousin Marion Brown
PS now be sure & write soon soon
James Bryden,
Joseph Glencross,
waiting for a letter
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Bogg, 9 January 1873
In this letter, we can feel the problems building for the Glencrosses and Scotts in Sanquhar: "there is a good deal of trouble about here just now" refers to illness, but it also applies to the broader questions of sustenance. Marion conveys uncle William Glencross's request for money to his American brother; Marion's also doubtful about the longterm wisdom of keeping cows that don't produce enough milk to pay their keep. Tam Scott, Aunt Agnes's son, would also like to be done with cows, but "it is just her nature to work among them," and so they stay for now.
The Bogg
January 9th, 1873
My Dear Uncle,
As this is the first time I have wrote to you this year I wish you all a happy new year and I hope this will find you all in moderate health when it reaches you. I am glad to be able to tell you that we are all in a moderate state of health in the meantime Aunt was very bad with the cold for two weeks but she is getting better again. We have had a great deal of wet weather and very cold to so there is scarcly anyone missing the cold there is a good deal of trouble around here just now the doctor says that it is owing to so much wet weather.
Uncle Williams wife has been very bad and does not feel very strong yet but is able to get up an hour or two every day now. Uncle bids me ask a favour from you the way things has been with him this summer he is very hard up for money and he would be very much obliged to you if you would send him six or seven pounds for some time and if you do send it if you would send it here it is more convenient to get it as at the Whitecleugh. Uncle has had a very hard summer to begin with I dont know how he may get on if he stops on.
I am very glad to be able to tell you that our cows is all healthy but Tam is beginning to think they will be scarce of hay. Tam is fairly tired of the cows but Aunt will not hear of leaving them but the cows here is not near paying themselves now and Aunt is daft to keep on as she does but it is just her nature to work among them and we cannot get her to give them up but if the cows is no better for the coming summer as they have been the last one I know they will not near clear themselves.
I have to give you Aunts kind love and say that she is wearing very much to hear from you all. What is James Bryden doing we have had a great time dreaming about him give all our friends my kind love and tell Marion to write soon and let us know how you are all getting on Aunt thinks Uncle Joseph is turning very lazy at writting and when you do write you are to send word about all the boys now I must come to a close with kind love to you all and may God be your guide is the sincere desire of your affectionate neice Marion Brown
be sure and write soon
James Bryden,
Joseph Glencross,
Tam Scott,
waiting for a letter,
William Glencross
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