This is a photo (taken by Susan Burch) from the presentation given by Iain Hutchison and myself about Marion Brown, today at the Disability History Conference in San Francisco. See that big grey box on the table between us? That's the box of letters from Sanquhar. In front of us, on the table, there are photos in frames, a small Bible from Scotland, two of the books we've put Marion's story into, and other goodies. The session went well--we had audience participation and some animated conversation in the comments time (especially about what medical historians should or should not ask of such stories).
After corresponding with Penny for seven years, this was at last a great opportunity for me to meet her - and also to see the originals of Marion Brown's letters for the first time. Variations in stationary used, stamped and franked envelopes, notes written in the margins as after-thoughts when letters had been completed, all add to the story that they tell.
See Helen Glencross's bible in the left of the photograph. Small, and perhaps intentionally so for the emigration journey, it has survived for over 150 years. Indeed, it is in such good condition, that it would appear that it was used but little.
Iain Hutchison
This is so cool Penny. I didn't know you were doing this. I look forward to reading more.
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