Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Townfoot, 5 December 1883: "the reason I have been so long in writing"

Well hello again! I've had a few inquiries about when this blog is going to get going again, so here we are.... with scarlet fever in Tam Scott's family, and Marion unable to walk or stand, and Aunt increasingly frail. 




5th Dec. 1883

Dear Uncle

You may well think me long in writing this time but I am not run away yet I am still lying in bed and not much hope of being able to run far. but I hope when this reaches you that it will find you all well. the reason I have been so long in writing is one of Tam's boys had Scarlet fever and I thought it better not to write till he was better. I am glad to be able to say that he is almost well again and neither of the other two has taken it yet. 

we was all very much surprised when Bell Williamson landed home again we could scarce beleive it the first time we was told but she is looking very healthy I think she is the better of her trip we did not see her for a short time after she came and only for a few minutes 

Dear Uncle I hope you will again execpt my best thanks for your kindness to me a helpless creature that can neither walk a step nor even stand on my feet I have so little power of my limbs. some times I cannot help feeling my lot a hard one and again when I know it is God's doings why should I grumble but be content. I hope it will all turn out for my good in the end, I have to give you Aunt's kind regards and many thanks and bids me say that she hope you will always have plenty she sometimes says how I would like to have an hour or two beside John poor body she is not so much failed to look at but her strength is failed very much and she is very much troubled [ends without signature, maybe missing a page]