Well now, this is a different letter. Unlike the usual plain paper Marion Brown wrote upon, this letter is on frilly, pink, embossed stationery, with pre-printed poetry and cut edges and all. I'm including an image of the letter's front page in this post, at left--it's definitely special paper for wedding greetings. And it's a letter to James Bryden, the man engaged to marry Marion Glencross in America. He hasn't left yet, but will soon. There was apparently a scene when James last left the Bogg, something to do with Marion wanting very much to go to America with him, but also feeling obligated to remain with Aunt Agnes.
The Bogg
June 14th 1872
My Dear Friend
I was very glad to see your kind letter this morning but was sorry to see by it that you are so bad with the cold but I hope by the time this reaches you that you will be better. You say that your Father is worse since you went home if it had been our Heavenly Father's will to have made him better it would have been easier for you to have left him but dear friend all things is ordered for the best and we have no right to say a word but human nature is hard to bend and some times we feel it hard to say thy will be done when we are tried.
I have no doubt but you would think me a very foolish girl that day you left me but you must just look over it my mind is much set on being in America that I felt so much as if I could go with you and still I find it my duty to stop with my Aunt altho I can do nothing to help her I am the only one she has to say anything to but I hope she will soon give up the cows and then we would soon be all on the road. You may tell Marion if spared to see her that it is not my fault that we did not set out with you I only wish we had a guide like you if ever we go across.
Johnstone has never been here yet and letter from her this last week but perhaps it is because I have been thinking so much about America since you left here. we have not had a call of Johnstone yet there is a great talk about his sister going with him when he goes away but I will not say it is true for it was but a story I heard told, but if she goes she is a very quite woman.
now Jemmie I will stop I could write long enough to you but what is the use of writting a lot of nonsense. I will post the paper along with this letter so you may let me know if you get it take my kind wishes to all my friends in America but you know I have a warmer spot in my heart for some as I have for other and you will understand who they are. I am still in the hope that we will all meet in America yet if all goes well except my kindest regards to your own dear self from your affectionate friend Marion Brown